亚美利加纳 第一季

  • 凯维·莱曼-默塞尤 安德烈·拉米罗 BrunoGissoni 拉利萨·努耐斯 泽泽·莫塔 ThalmadeFreitas 大卫·朱尼尔 玛丽娅·路易莎·蒙多卡
  • 共6集  |  每集 60分钟
  • 【预告片世界】为您特别推荐由凯维·莱曼-默塞尤,安德烈·拉米罗,BrunoGissoni,拉利萨·努耐斯,泽泽·莫塔,ThalmadeFreitas,大卫·朱尼尔,玛丽娅·路易莎·蒙多卡,LucianoQuirino,ZahyTentehar,LucilaGandolfo,Diegolleske,ArthurGarbe,DitteMariele-Fèvreare,等主演的海外剧《亚美利加纳 第一季》未删完整版免费高清在线观看,《亚美利加纳 第一季》于2024年在巴西上映播出,电视剧《亚美利加纳 第一季》精彩剧情介绍:The series is set in Americana, a municipality in the state of São Paulo, during the late 19th century and fol…The series is set in Americana, a municipality in the state of São Paulo, during the late 19th century and follows the Confederates who left the U.S. for Brazil after losing the American Civil War. We hear it follows a police officer and his female slave, who is also a detective, as they uncover the truth behind murders in the town. About 20,000 Confederate subjects — known as ... (展开全部) The series is set in Americana, a municipality in the state of São Paulo, during the late 19th century and follows the Confederates who left the U.S. for Brazil after losing the American Civil War. We hear it follows a police officer and his female slave, who is also a detective, as they uncover the truth behind murders in the town. About 20,000 Confederate subjects — known as Confederados — left America to emigrate to Brazil in the 19th Century.

亚美利加纳 第一季同主演推荐

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