

AARP的成人电影奖2020 最佳女主角《葛洛莉亚·贝尔》 (提名)2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2015 最佳女主角《星图》 (提名)2011 最佳女主角《孩子们都很好》 (提名) 黄金德比2019 TV Movie/Mini Actress of the Decade《规则改变》 (提名)2015 女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2012 TV Movie/Mini Lead Actress《规则改变》 (获奖)2010 Lead Actress of the Decade《远离天堂》 (提名)2010 Supporting Actress of the Decade《时时刻刻》 (提名)2003 女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖)2003 女配角《时时刻刻》 (提名) 底特律影评人协会奖2019 最佳女主角《葛洛莉亚·贝尔》 (提名)2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名) 卡罗维发利国际电影节2019 Special Prize for Outstanding Contribution to World Cinema (获奖) 20/20颁奖2018 最佳女配角《不羁夜》 (获奖) 现代美术馆2017 Museum of Modern Art Film Benefit Honoree (获奖) 木星奖2017 最佳国际女演员 (提名)2016 最佳国际女演员《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2012 最佳国际女演员 (提名)2005 最佳国际女演员《灵异拼图》 (提名) 德国金相机2016 最佳国际女演员《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖) 巴西塞斯电影节2016 最佳外国女演员(Melhor AatrizEstrangeira)《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2004 最佳外国女演员(Melhor AatrizEstrangeira)《远离天堂》 (获奖)2004 最佳外国女演员(Melhor AatrizEstrangeira)《远离天堂》 (获奖) 拉兹奖2016 最差女配角 (提名) 国际在线电影奖(接种)2016 最佳女配角《麦吉的计划》 (提名)2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2015 最佳女配角《星图》 (获奖)2011 最佳女主角《孩子们都很好》 (提名)2010 最佳女配角 (提名)2003 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 葡萄牙电影博客奖2015 Best Supporting Actress - International Competition《星图》 (提名) 国际在线影评人投票2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名) 都柏林影评人圈奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2014 最佳女主角《星图》 (提名)2013 最佳女主角《梅奇知道什么》 (提名) 加拿大屏幕奖2015 女主角的表演《星图》 (提名) 国际电影协会奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2015 最佳女配角《星图》 (获奖)2014 最佳女主角《星图》 (获奖) 国际奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖) 北卡罗来纳影评人协会2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名) 演员工会奖2015 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2013 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries《规则改变》 (获奖)2003 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role《远离天堂》 (提名)2003 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role《时时刻刻》 (提名)2000 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role《爱到尽头》 (提名)2000 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role《木兰花》 (提名)1998 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role《不羁夜》 (提名) Galeca:LGBTQ娱乐评论协会2015 Film Performance of the Year - Actress《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2013 TV Performance of the Year - Actress《规则改变》 (提名) 电影独立精神奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖) 美国电影公司2015 先锋奖 (获奖) 意大利在线电影奖(IOMA)2015 Best Actress (Miglior attrice protagonista)《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2015 Best Supporting Actress (Miglior attrice non protagonista)《星图》 (提名)2010 Best Supporting Actress (Miglior attrice non protagonista) (获奖)2003 Best Actress (Miglior attrice protagonista)《远离天堂》 (提名)2003 Best Supporting Actress (Miglior attrice non protagonista)《时时刻刻》 (获奖) BAFTA奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2011 最佳女主角《孩子们都很好》 (提名)2003 Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role《时时刻刻》 (提名)2000 Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role《爱到尽头》 (提名) 金球奖2015 最佳剧情片女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2015 最佳音乐/喜剧片女主角《星图》 (提名)2011 最佳音乐/喜剧片女主角《孩子们都很好》 (提名)2010 最佳电影女配角 (提名)2003 最佳剧情片女主角《远离天堂》 (提名)2000 最佳音乐/喜剧片女主角《老公不及格》 (提名)2000 最佳剧情片女主角《爱到尽头》 (提名)1998 最佳电影女配角《不羁夜》 (提名) 伦敦影评人圈电影奖2015 年度女演员《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2015 年度女演员《星图》 (提名)2004 年度女演员《远离天堂》 (获奖)2001 年度女演员《爱到尽头》 (提名) 美国评论奖选择奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2010 最佳女配角 (提名)2003 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 乔治亚影评人协会(GAFCA)2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名) 奥斯卡金像奖2015 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2003 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (提名)2003 最佳女配角《时时刻刻》 (提名)2000 最佳女主角《爱到尽头》 (提名)1998 最佳女配角《不羁夜》 (提名) 金·施默斯奖2014 Best Actress of the Year《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2002 Best Actress of the Year《远离天堂》 (提名) 好莱坞电影奖2014 年度女演员《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2009 年度最佳女配角 (获奖) 旧金山影评人圈2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖) 妇女形象网络奖2014 女演员故事片《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2012 为电视电影制作的最佳女演员《规则改变》 (提名) 华盛顿地区影评人协会奖2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2009 最佳女配角 (提名)2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 《独立报》评论2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名) 奖励电路社区奖2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2012 Best Actress in a TV Movie or Miniseries《规则改变》 (获奖)2010 Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role《孩子们都很好》 (提名)2009 最佳女配角 (提名)2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖)2002 最佳女配角《时时刻刻》 (提名)1999 最佳女主角《爱到尽头》 (提名)1999 最佳女配角《木兰花》 (提名)1998 最佳女配角《谋杀绿脚趾》 (提名)1997 最佳女配角《不羁夜》 (获奖) 圣。美国路易斯电影评论协会2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名) 高谭奖2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (获奖)2002 Actor Award (获奖) 乡村声音电影投票2014 最佳女主角《依然爱丽丝》 (提名)2010 最佳女配角《孩子们都很好》 (提名)2009 最佳女配角 (提名) 惊魂计奖2013 最佳女配角《魔女嘉莉》 (提名) 星光大道2013 Motion Picture (获奖) 格雷西艾伦奖2013 Outstanding Female Actor in a Leading Role in a Drama Special《规则改变》 (获奖) 蒙特卡洛电视节2012 Television Films - Best Performance by an Actress《规则改变》 (提名) 黄金时间艾美奖2012 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie《规则改变》 (获奖) 俄亥俄州中部影评人协会2011 最佳女主角《孩子们都很好》 (提名)2003 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (提名) 匆忙的布丁戏剧,美国2011 Woman of the Year (获奖) 欣快奖2010 Best Actress - Audience Award《盲流感》 (获奖) Chlotrudis奖2010 最佳女配角 (提名)2003 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (提名)2003 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖)2000 最佳女主角《爱到尽头》 (提名)1998 最佳女配角《不羁夜》 (提名)1996 最佳女主角《安然无恙》 (提名)1995 最佳女主角《万尼亚在42街口》 (提名) 丹佛影评人协会2010 最佳女配角 (提名) 圣巴巴拉国际电影节2010 Montecito Award (获奖) 罗马电影节2010 Golden Marc'Aurelio Acting Award (获奖) 科幻、幻想和恐怖电影学院2009 最佳女主角《盲流感》 (提名)2005 最佳女主角《灵异拼图》 (提名)2002 最佳女主角《汉尼拔》 (提名)1993 最佳女配角《推动摇篮的手》 (提名) 臭虫电影奖2006 最差女演员《自由国度》 (获奖) 电视土地奖2006 小屏幕/大屏幕明星(女性) (提名) 美国人民选择奖2005 Favorite Female Movie Star (提名) 纽约电影与电视中的女性2005 Muse Award (获奖) 英国帝国奖2004 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (提名) GLAAD媒体奖2004 Excellence in Media Award (获奖) 桑特乔迪奖2004 Best Foreign Actress (Mejor Actriz Extranjera)《时时刻刻》 (获奖) 威尼斯电影节2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖)2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 圣地亚哥影评人协会奖2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 犹他州影评人协会奖2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 纽约影评人在线2002 最佳女主角《远离天堂》 (获奖) 圣丹斯电影节2001 Tribute to Independent Vision Award (获奖) 轰动娱乐奖2000 Favorite Supporting Actress - Drama《木兰花》 (提名)1998 Favorite Actress - Sci-Fi《侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界》 (提名) 肥皂剧文摘奖1989 Outstanding Actress in a Supporting Role: Daytime《As the World Turns》 (提名)


Julianne Moore was born Julie Anne Smith in Fort Bragg, North Carolina on December 3, 1960, the daughter of Anne (Love), a social worker, and Peter Moore Smith, a paratrooper, colonel, and later military judge. Her mother moved to the U.S. in 1951, from Greenock, Scotland. Her father, from Burlington, New Jersey, has German, Irish, Welsh, German-Jewish, and English ancestry.

Moore spent the early years of her life in over two dozen locations around the world with her parents, during her father's military career. She finally found her place at Boston University, where she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree in acting from the School of the Performing Arts. After graduation (in 1983), She took the stage name "Julianne Moore" because there was another actress named "Julie Anne Smith". Julianne moved to New York and worked extensively in theater, including appearances off-Broadway in two Caryl Churchill plays, Serious Money and Ice Cream With Hot Fudge and as Ophelia in Hamlet at The Guthrie Theatre. But despite her formal training, Julianne fell into the attractive actress' trap of the mid-1980's: TV soaps and miniseries. She appeared briefly in the daytime serial 夜的边缘 (1956) and from 1985 to 1988 she played two half-sisters Frannie and Sabrina on the soap As the World Turns (1956). This performance later led to an Outstanding Ingénue Daytime Emmy Award in 1988. Her subsequent appearances were in mostly forgettable TV-movies, such as Money, Power, Murder. (1989), The Last to Go (1991) and 致命咒语 (1991).

She made her entrance into the big screen with 1990's 妖夜传说 (1990), where she played the victim of a mummy. Two years later, Julianne appeared in feature films with supporting parts in 推动摇篮的手 (1992) and the comedy 红粉煞星 (1992). She kept winning better and more powerful roles as time went on, including a small but memorable role as a doctor who spots Kimble 哈里森·福特 and attempts to thwart his escape in 亡命天涯 (1993). (A role that made such an impression on 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 that he cast her in the 侏罗纪公园 (1993) sequel without an audition in 1997). In one of Moore's most distinguished performances, she recapitulated her "beguiling Yelena" from 安德烈·格雷戈里's workshop version of Chekhov's Uncle Vanya in 路易·马勒's critically acclaimed 万尼亚在42街口 (1994). Director Todd Haynes gave Julianne her first opportunity to take on a lead role in 安然无恙 (1995). Her portrayal of Carol White, an affluent L.A. housewife who develops an inexplicable allergic reaction to her environment, won critical praise as well as an Independent Spirit Award nomination.

Later that year she found her way into romantic comedy, co-starring as 休·格兰特's pregnant girlfriend in 怀胎九月 (1995). Following films included 刺客战场 (1995), where she played an electronics security expert targeted for death (next to 西尔维斯特·史泰龙 and 安东尼奥·班德拉斯) and 狂爱走一回 (1996), where she played Dora Maar, one of the numerous lovers of Picasso (portrayed by her hero, 安东尼·霍普金斯). A year later, after co-starring in Spielberg's 侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界 (1997), opposite 杰夫·高布伦, a young and unknown director, 保罗·托马斯 asked Julianne to appear in his movie, 不羁夜 (1997). Despite her misgivings, she finally was won over by the script and her decision to play the role of Amber Waves, a loving porn star who acts as a mother figure to a ragtag crew, proved to be a wise one, since she received both Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations. Julianne started 1998 by playing an erotic artist in 谋杀绿脚趾 (1998), continued with a small role in the social comedy 芝加哥出租车 (1997) and ended with a subtle performance in 格斯·范·桑特's remake of 惊魂记 (1960). 1999 had Moore as busy as an actress can be.

As the century closed, Julianne starred in a number of high-profile projects, beginning with 罗伯特·奥特曼's 秘密遗产 (1999) , in which she was cast as the mentally challenged but adorable sister of a decidedly unhinged 格伦·克洛斯. A portrayal of the scheming Mrs. Cheveley followed in 奥利弗·帕克's 老公不及格 (1999) with a number of critics asserting that Moore was the best part of the movie. She then enjoyed another collaboration with director Anderson in 木兰花 (1999) and continued with an outstanding performance in 爱到尽头 (1999), for which she garnered another Oscar nomination. She ended 1999 with another great performance, that of a grieving mother in 世界地图 (1999), opposite 西格妮·韦弗.


Born at 5:53 PM (EST).

Graduated from Frankfurt American High School in Frankfurt, Germany in 1979.

Graduated from Boston University's School of the Arts.

Moved into $900,000 3-bedroom loft in Greenwich Village. [November 1999]

Worked briefly as part-time waitress in Boston, Massachusetts.

Is a staunch pro-choice advocate and an active member of Planned Parenthood.

Born Julie Anne Smith, she had to change her name when she registered with the Actors Guild as every variation of her name seemed to be taken. She then combined her first two names and assumed her father's middle name as her surname.

Lived in Juneau, Alaska, for about a year and a half and attended school there from 1971-1972.

Was considered for the lead role of Kate McQueen in 挑逗性游戏 (1995), which eventually went to 辛迪·克劳馥.

After 朱迪·福斯特 turned down the chance to reprise her Oscar-winning role of Clarice Starling in 汉尼拔 (2001), several actresses were considered for the part. Moore triumphed over such contenders as 海伦·亨特, 吉莲·安德森 and 凯特·布兰切特.

In order to convincingly portray the role of a housewife suffering from an immune disorder in 安然无恙 (1995), she lost 10 pounds off of her already petite frame.

She reads every script she receives.

Her younger brother, Peter Moore Smith, is an author and has written the book "Raveling", for which Moore has bought the film rights. She also has a younger sister named Valerie.

She was on Entertainment Weekly's list of "The 25 Greatest Actresses of the '90s" (issue date: 11/20/98).

Chosen as one of People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful" list. [2001]

安德烈·格雷戈里, who directed her onstage in "Uncle Vanya", said that "she evoked the sensuality and urgency of a young 琼·克劳馥, but with more depth, more contradictions".

路易·马勒, who directed her in 万尼亚在42街口 (1994), said that "she made him think of the greatest of all ravaged beauties, 让娜·莫罗".

Moved into $2.65-million duplex penthouse in Greenwich Village, New York City. [2002]

4/11/02: Daughter 丽芙·弗伦德里希 born. Father is Bart Freundlich.

12/4/97: Son Caleb Freundlich born. Father is Bart Freundlich.

Along with 费伊·贝恩特, 特雷莎·怀特, 巴里·菲茨杰拉德, 杰西卡·兰格, 西格妮·韦弗, 阿尔·帕西诺, 霍利·亨特, 艾玛·汤普森, 杰米·福克斯 and 凯特·布兰切特, she is one of only eleven actors to receive Academy Award nominations in two acting categories in the same year. She was nominated for Best Actress for 远离天堂 (2002) and Best Supporting Actress for 时时刻刻 (2002) at the 75th Academy Awards in 2003.

She and 琼·库萨克 played pregnant women in 怀胎九月 (1995). In 1997, their own sons were born.

While in college, she auditioned for the prestigious Guthrie Theater Drama School at the Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, Minnesota, but continued to pursue her BFA at Boston instead. A few years later, she performed at the Guthrie Theater in the Ensamble, production of 萧伯纳 "Heartbreak House".

She and her 爱到尽头 (1999) co-star 拉尔夫·费因斯 have acted in separate Hannibal Lecter films: she in 汉尼拔 (2001) and he in 红龙 (2002).

In 进化危机 (2001), she works with 泰德·拉文. Levine played Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb in 沉默的羔羊 (1991), who is killed by Clarice Starling, later played by Moore in 汉尼拔 (2001).

Received triple nominations from the Screen Actors Guild Awards in both 2000 and 2003.

Late in 2001, she appeared in 航运新闻 (2001) with 斯科特·格伦. Glenn had played Jack Crawford in 沉默的羔羊 (1991). Moore appeared in the sequel 汉尼拔 (2001).

Has appeared in 不羁夜 (1997), 谋杀绿脚趾 (1998) and 木兰花 (1999) with 菲利普·塞默. Both of them have played characters in the Hannibal Lecter series. Moore played Clarice Starling in 汉尼拔 (2001), and Hoffman played Freddie Lounds in 红龙 (2002).

In 2003, when she was nominated for two Oscars, she was in competition with her co-stars from 时时刻刻 (2002); 妮可·基德曼 (for 时时刻刻 (2002)) and 梅丽尔·斯特里普 (for 改编剧本 (2002)). Kidman won for Best Actress.

Has appeared in 侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界 (1997), the sequel to 侏罗纪公园 (1993), in which 劳拉·邓恩 was the heroine. Also appears in 汉尼拔 (2001), the sequel to 沉默的羔羊 (1991), in which 朱迪·福斯特 preceded her as Clarice Starling. 劳拉·邓恩 and 朱迪·福斯特 appeared together in 曾经沧海难为水 (1974).

Friends with 艾伦·巴金, and 科林·费尔斯.

Was member of the dramatic jury at the Sundance Film Festival in 1996.

Was listed as a potential nominee on the 2007 Razzie Award nominating ballot. She was suggested in the Worst Actress category for her performance in 自由国度 (2006), but she failed to receive a nomination.

Her father was a lawyer in the United States Army, and the family moved 23 times before she turned 18. She went to nine different schools.

Chose to remain uncredited in her role as the voice of "Aria" in Eagle Eye (2008).

Participated in the 3rd Munchkin's Project Pink annual breast cancer awareness campaign to raise money for breast cancer research. The project consists of the donation of celebrity-decorated and autographed bath ducks, put up for auction. [October 2008]

Artist ambassador for "Save the Children".

Her mother, Ann Love Smith, died on April 29, 2009 at age 68.

Her father was a judge in the Army's Judge Advocate General Corps and her mother was a psychiatric social worker.

She didn't learn to swim until she was 26, and only learned to drive at age 27.

In an interview for Inside the Actors Studio: Julianne Moore (2002), she stated that 拉尔夫·费因斯 is her favorite leading man. They portrayed lovers in 爱到尽头 (1999).

Was one month pregnant with son Caleb Freundlich when she completed filming 谋杀绿脚趾 (1998).

Was 4 months pregnant with her daughter, 丽芙·弗伦德里希, when she completed filming on 远离天堂 (2002).

拉尔夫·费因斯, her co-star in 爱到尽头 (1999), said of her, being interviewed for Inside the Actors Studio: Ralph Fiennes (2006): "Julianne Moore has the most extraordinary spirit to act opposite. And funny, and sense of humor - we giggled a lot. I felt so relaxed with her. And her humor - not only her great talent, but her humor. A great friendship, and I am still friends with Julianne. So that's changed me, I've made a friend who I trust and love and would love to work with again.".

Turned down the role of Deirdre Burroughs in 夹缝求生 (2006) due to scheduling conflicts. The role went to 安妮特·贝宁.

Turned down the leading role in the crime series Prime Suspect (2011), which went to 玛丽亚·贝罗.

Turned down the opportunity to portray 希拉里·罗德姆 in the HBO film The Special Relationship (2010) due to scheduling conflicts. The role went to 霍普·戴维斯.

$127,000 worth of jewelry was stolen from her New York City apartment [October 4, 2012].

Nominated for an Outstanding Actress award for her work in 规则改变 (2012) at The Women's Image Network (WIN) Awards 2012.

Has an "obsession" with furniture designers Paavo Tynell and Harvey Probber.

Her very first role on stage came in sixth grade when she played the Little Red-Haired Girl in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" at Anne M. Dorner Middle School in Ossining, New York. She was scared and did not like it.

Husband Bart's family name "Freundlich" is German for "friendly".

Received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6250 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on October 3, 2013.

Received two Best Actress Awards at the Venice Film Festival (by jury and public) for 远离天堂 (2002). [September 2002]

Received the Marc Aurelio Awards at the International Rome Film Festival (Italy). [November 2010]

Currently lives with her family in Greenwich Village, New York City. [2009]

Is a big fan of 唐顿庄园 第一季 (2010). She co-starred with the star of the series 米歇尔·道克瑞 in Non-Stop (2014), and on the set of the film, she would ask Dockery for possible spoilers and secrets of the show.

A relatively late bloomer, Julianne didn't learn to drive until she was 27, appeared in her first feature film at age 30, and waited until she turned 37 to start a family.

As of 2015, has appeared in three films that were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar: 亡命天涯 (1993), 时时刻刻 (2002) and 孩子们都很好 (2010).

The fourth actor overall and the second actress to have achieved the rare feat of winning an acting prize in the three major film festivals: 2002 Volpi Cup Best Actress for 远离天堂 (2002), 2003 Silver Bear Best Actress for 时时刻刻 (2002) (shared with 妮可·基德曼 and 梅丽尔·斯特里普), and 2014 Cannes Best Actress for 星图 (2014). The others actors to achieve this feat are 杰克·莱蒙, 西恩·潘, and 朱丽叶·比诺什. Additionally, all four actors have won acting Oscars.

The longest she has gone without an Oscar nomination is the 12 years between her double nomination for 远离天堂 (2002) and 时时刻刻 (2002) and 依然爱丽丝 (2014).

Has starred in three films nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards: 亡命天涯 (1993) (albeit briefly), 时时刻刻 (2002) and 孩子们都很好 (2010).

Of the four acting winners at 奥斯卡金像奖 (2015), she was the only one with a previous nomination.

Is one of 13 actresses to have won the Academy Award, BAFTA Award, Critics' Choice Award, Golden Globe Award and SAG Award for the same performance. The others in chronological order are 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 for 永不妥协 (2000), 蕾妮·齐薇格 for 冷山 (2003), 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 for 与歌同行 (2005), 海伦·米伦 for 女王 (2006), 詹妮弗·哈德森 for 梦女孩 (2006), 凯特·温丝莱特 for 朗读者 (2008), 莫妮克 for 珍爱 (2009), 娜塔莉·波特曼 for 黑天鹅 (2010), 奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟 for The Help (2011), 安妮·海瑟薇 for 悲惨世界 (2012), 凯特·布兰切特 for 蓝色茉莉 (2013) and 帕特丽夏·阿奎特 for Boyhood (2014).

Was the 144th actress to receive an Academy Award; she won the Best Actress Oscar for 依然爱丽丝 (2014) at 奥斯卡金像奖 (2015) on February 22, 2015.

Is one of 3 actresses who have won the Best Actress Oscar for playing a character called Alice. The others are 西蒙·西涅莱 for 金屋泪 (1959) and 艾伦·伯斯汀 for 曾经沧海难为水 (1974).

She and 埃迪·雷德梅恩 played mother and son in 欲孽迷宫 (2007). In 2015, both won the Best Actor and Best Actress Oscar, respectively.

Julianne's father, Peter Moore Smith, was born in New Jersey, to Charles Edward Smith, Jr. and Frances Mervil Haas; Julianne's father's ancestry is German, as well as Irish, English, Welsh, and one eighth German-Jewish. Julianne's mother, Anne (Love), was born in Greenock, Scotland, to Henry McNeil Love and Flora McMillan McLean. Julianne's mother's family moved to New Jersey in 1951.

Her favorite movie is Rosemary's Baby (1968).

She's a natural redhead.

The movie that made her sob hopelessly was 维拉·德雷克 (2004), primarily for 艾美达·斯丹顿's heart-rending performance.

Counts actor 迈克尔·法斯宾德 as a cinematic crush.

Claimed she was "fired" from 梅丽莎·麦卡西's Oscar-nominated role in 你能原谅我吗? (2018).


Red hair and green eyes

Cries in emotional scenes

Frequently portrays adulteresses

Known for portraying strong, female characters.




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